Your pen, your mind, and your voice are the keys to break your bondage.
Don’t be silenced by yourself. Release the chokehold of falsified danger. Your voice will give you room to breathe and air to oxygenate your truth. There is oppression from without but the bondage I want to speak of is within you. Your perception of self and the dreams that you stifle causes your strength to become irrelevant and your wisdom to dance with fools. Be all that you want to be and apologize for no part of your identity.
I know we sister circle up a lot but brothers you can link your arms and war within your own spirit to reach beyond the lies. Your words are just as powerful as the weights you lift. Your mind goes beyond the crooked standard of masculinity. Tell the world your story. Reach beyond that narrative written by illiterate ingrates and power up. Your pen, your mind, and your voice are the keys to break your bondage.