In the abundance of my limitations I have tried to override your plan
You are timeless and undefined by the rising and setting of the sun
Freed beyond the moon and stars but reaching beneath them just to touch me
I walk a journey in the hesitation of surrender and freedom
Is it wrong for me to experience liberty without the process of bondage?
Will I not know the extension of your love if I am not first bound by it?
Even though this tug and war for my soul exists I already know who wins
I cannot and will not push you out nor am I strong enough to resist you
But it is by your strength and love that I have the ability to choose another way
God, I ask you to make me weak so that your strength may reign in my choice of you
I give to you my freedom that I may truly be liberated from my option to go elsewhere
You love me so much that you would allow me to think I can shut you out
But this day and forever more I relinquish my rights in law
That I may be free in the grace through faith that is called…Salvation