A leader does not always know the powerful purpose in their steps. They often times cannot fathom the essentiality of their presence. However, every step they take makes ripples of impact through the world’s core and change immediately occurs. I have learned to listen for the sound of their footsteps and allow my life to be changed in the aftermath of their quakes. Each time I encounter one such as these my perspective swings upward and I realize how present my God really is. Sometimes it’s a sit-down talk about the trials and hardships of life. Other times its boisterous laughter that cannot be contained; breaking through the cemented pain in my soul. The best times are when they are simply there sharing a moment of their life with you.
Leaders surround me each and every day. My shame comes at the times I do not realize their presence. The gratitude in my heart leaps because even in the lack of recognition they still remain true to who they are. Vibrations of their voice echo through the rhythm of my ears and cause palpitations of excitement in my spirit. Waves of their power overflow and I drown in the assurance that things will be okay. As they reign in humility my seeds of potential are showered and begin to blossom. As they blaze trails cool with fire the order of my steps is not only sure, but also safe.